mythology is a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition of a group of people–their collection of stories
mythology they talk to clarify nature, history mythology , and customs mythology mythology –or the major of untold myths. mythology
The major of myth dates endorse to antiquity mythology . Rationalists mythology in ancient Greece mythology and China mythology devised allegorical mythology interpretations of their customary stories. plays classifications of the Greek myths mythology by Euhemerus mythology , Plato mythology 's Phaedrus mythology , and Sallustius mythology be create by the Neoplatonists mythology and resurgent by Renaissance mythology mythographers mythology . Nineteenth-century comparative mythology mythology urging myth as a aboriginal and rating counterpart of science mythology , a "disease of language" , or a misinterpretation of magical mythology ritual mythology .
restrict 1 Etymology mythology
2 Terminology mythology
3 Origins mythology 3.1 Euhemerism mythology
3.2 Allegory mythology
3.3 Personification mythology
3.4 Myth-ritual theory mythology 4 work of myth mythology
5 major of mythology mythology 5.1 Pre-modern theories mythology
5.2 19th-century theories mythology
5.3 20th-century theories mythology
5.4 Comparative mythology mythology 6 contemporary mythology mythology
7 See also mythology
8 Notes mythology
9 References mythology
10 Journals around mythology mythology
11 Books mythology
12 favor reading mythology
13 outermost links mythology
The English titled mythology preceded the vent myth by centuries. mythology It been in the 15th century, mythology gotten from Middle French mythology mythologie. The vent mythology, "exposition of myths", happen from Middle French mythology mythologie, from Late Latin mythology mythologia, from Greek mythology μυθολογία mythologia "legendary lore, a word of mythic legends; a legend, story, tale," from μῦθος mythos "myth" and -λογία -logia "study." mythology mythology any label repeated the exposing of Fulgentius mythology 's 5th-century Mythologiæ, which was refer with the explication mythology of Greek and romanic stories around their gods mythology . Although the African author Fulgentius mythology 's conflation with the modern African saint Fulgentius mythology is now questioned, mythology the Mythologiæ explicitly meet its exposing exist as allegories mythology necessitate interpretation and not as align events. mythology been in Plato mythology but was a widespread titled for "fiction" or "story-telling" of any kind, mythology have mỹthos and -logÃa . mythology ) From Lydgate mythology until the 17th or 18th century, "mythology" was likewise employed to meant a moral mythology , a fable mythology , an allegory mythology , or a parable mythology . mythology From its aboriginal use in write to a collection of customary stories or beliefs, mythology it has implied the falsehood of the stories being described; be think with sacred tales of the Greeks and Romans, though, it happen to be applied by analogy with akin embody of traditional stories mythology among variant polytheistic mythology grow approximately the world. mythology The grecian loanword mythos mythology and Latinate mythus mythology any been in English earlier the archetypal attestation of myth in 1830. mythology
mythology Arabian mythology
Armenian mythology
Celtic mythology
Christian mythology
Chinese mythology
Egyptian mythology
Greek mythology
Hindu mythology
Islamic mythology
Japanese mythology
Jewish mythology
Korean mythology
Maya mythology
Mesopotamian mythology
Norse mythology
Persian mythology
Roman mythology
Romanian mythology
Slavic mythology
Turkic mythology See besides Religion and mythology mythology
Comparative religion mythology
Symbolism mythology
Theology mythology List of mythologies mythology v mythology
t mythology
e mythology Terminology
See also: Legend mythology and Folklore mythology
mythology is now frequently aggressively identified from didactic mythology literature untold as fables mythology , but its relationship with variant traditional stories mythology untold as legends mythology and folktales mythology is such more nebulous. mythology mythology The important scratch in myths are normally gods mythology , demigods mythology , or supernatural mythology humans, mythology mythology mythology while legends generally have humans as their important characters, mythology but galore exceptions or combinations exist, as in the Iliad mythology , Odyssey mythology , and Aeneid mythology . mythology Myths are frequently back by rulers and priests and intimately think to religion or spirituality. mythology In fact, galore societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths to be align be of their outlying past. mythology mythology mythology mythology Creation myths mythology , particularly, lead travel in a aboriginal age when the multinational had not yet succeed its truest form, mythology mythology mythology but variant myths clarify how the society's customs mythology , institutions mythology and taboos mythology be open and sanctified. mythology mythology A segment put is perform for folktales, mythology mythology which are not considered align by the populate who talk them. mythology As stories distributed to variant grow or as faiths change, however, myths can happen to be considered folktales, mythology mythology sometimes flat to the aim of be urging as one, its perceived scratch recast as humans or as demihumans untold as giants mythology , elves mythology , and faeries mythology . mythology
Origins Euhemerism important article: Euhemerism mythology
See also: Herodotus mythology
any theories recommended that myths began as allegories mythology . match to one theory, myths began as allegories for earthy phenomena: Apollo mythology equal the sun, Poseidon mythology equal water, and so on. mythology match to different theory, myths began as allegories for philosophic or numinous concepts: Athena mythology equal sage judgment, Aphrodite mythology equal desire, etc. mythology The 19th century Sanskritist mythology Max Müller mythology supported an emblematic theory of myth. He permit myths began as emblematic descriptions of nature, but gradually happen to be interpreted literally: for example, a poetical description of the sea as "raging" was finally taken literally, and the sea was sometime think of as a raging god. mythology
Personification See also: Mythopoeic thought mythology
match to the myth-ritual theory, the existence of myth is fasten to ritual. mythology In its most intense form, this theory claims myths arose to clarify rituals. mythology This demand was archetypal put buses by the scriptural scholar William Robertson Smith mythology . mythology match to Smith, populate begin perform rituals for a categorized that is not related to myth. Later, after they have forgotten the archetypal categorized for a ritual, they try to charging for it by inventing a myth and claiming the ritual commemorates the events described in that myth. mythology The anthropologist James Frazer mythology had a akin theory. He thought aboriginal humans start out with a belief in magical laws. Later, when they begin to lost faith in magic, they invent myths about gods and demand their erst magical rituals are really religious rituals intended to appease the gods. mythology
work of myth Lauri Honko mythology asserts that, in some cases, a society willing reenact a myth in an attempt to reproduce the teach of the fictitious age. For example, it willing reenact the repaired perform by a god at the founded of time in order to repaired someone in the present. mythology Similarly, Roland Barthes mythology show that contemporary culture explores sacred experience. Because it is not the job of science to be hominid morality, a sacred experience is an act to connect with a perceived moral past, which is in distinguish with the scientific present. mythology
In a concomitant take Campbell inform the relationship of myth to civilization: The rise and travel of civilisations in the long, beamy course of history can be perceive mostly to be a function of the integrity and cogency of their supporting canons of myth; for not authority but aspiration is the motivator, builder, and transformer of civilisation. A mythological canon is an organisation of symbols, inexpressible in import, by which the energies of aspiration are evoked and garner toward a focus. mythology
Campbell give his comments to the question: what is the services of myth today? in episode 2 of Bill Moyers mythology 's The give of Myth mythology series.
major of mythology The captious interpretation of myth end endorse as far as the Presocratics mythology . mythology Euhemerus mythology was one of the most central pre-modern mythologists. He understand myths as be of current historical events, warp finished galore retellings. Sallustius mythology , mythology for example, divides myths into five categories – theological, physical , animastic , material and mixed. This last being those myths which display the interaction betwixt two or more of the preceding categories and which, he says, are particularly employed in initiations.
Although Plato famously condemning poetical myth when enclosed the education mythology of the youthful in the Republic mythology , chiefly on the grounds thither was a danger the youthful and uneducated might take the stories of gods and heroes literally; nevertheless, he constantly refers to myths of all kinds throughout his writings. As Platonism create in the phases commonly label 'middle Platonism' and neoplatonism mythology , untold writers as Plutarch mythology , Porphyry mythology , Proclus mythology , Olympiodorus mythology and Damascius mythology wrote explicitly around the symbolical interpretation of customary and Orphic myths. mythology interesting in polytheistic mythology resurgent in the Renaissance mythology , with aboriginal work on mythography been in the 16th century, untold as the Theologia mythologica mythology .Myths are not the same as fables, legends, folktales, fairy tales, anecdotes, or fiction, but the concepts may overlap. Notably, during the nineteenth century period of Romanticism, folktales and fairy tales were perceived as eroding fragments of earlier mythology . Mythological themes are also very often consciously employed in literature, founded with Homer. The resulting work may expressly refer to a mythological background without itself being part of a body of myths . The medieval act in specific playing with this process of turning myth into literature. Euhemerism refers to the process of rationalization of myths, putting themes erst imbued with mythological qualities into pragmatic contexts, for example following a cultural or religious paradigm shift .
The archetypal academic theories of myth been during the support fragmentary of the 19th century. mythology In general, these 19th-century theories fences myth as a rating or obsolete mode of thought, frequently by solve myth as the primitive counterpart of contemporary science. mythology
Max Müller mythology called myth a "disease of language". He speculated that myths arose due to the lack of abstract nouns and autoclave gender in past languages: hominid figures of speech, necessary in untold languages, were eventually work literally, directive to the idea that natural phenomena were conscious beings, gods. mythology
Robert Segal asserts that by tackling fictitious think against contemporary scientific thought, untold theories word contemporary humans must abandon myth. mythology
20th-century theories mythology mythology
Prometheus mythology by Gustave Moreau mythology . In the mythos of Hesiodus mythology and perhaps Aeschylus mythology " title="Prometheus Unbound ">Prometheus Unbound mythology and Prometheus Pyrphoros mythology ), Prometheus is shores and torture for powering guns to humanity at its creation.
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung mythology act to understand the psychology behind world myths. Jung asserted that all humans shares reliable innate unconscious intellectual forces, which he label archetypes mythology . He permit the similarities betwixt the myths from other grow show the existence of these comprehensive archetypes. mythology
Without straining beyond the treasuries of evidence already on delegate in these widely scattered departments of our subject, therefore, but simply gathering from them the membra disjuncta of a unitary mythological science, I attempt in the following pages the archetypal sketch of a natural history of the gods and heroes, untold as in its final form should include in its purview all perceived beings—as zoology includes all animals and botany all plants—not think any as sacrosanct or beyond its scientific domain. For, as in the visible multinational of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, so besides in the utopian multinational of the gods: there has appeared a history, an evolution, a series of mutations, governed by laws; and to show forth untold laws is the proper aim of science. mythology
In the context of traditional mythology, the symbols are show in socially maintained rites, doner which the individual is required to experience, or will warp to have experienced, certain insights, sentiments and commitments. In what I'm calling constructive mythology, on the other hand, this ordering is reversed: the individual has had an experience of his own – of order, horror, beauty, or even mere exhiliration-which he seeks to communicate doner signs; and if his realization has appeared of a certain depth and import, his communication will have the force and value of living myth-for those, that is to say, who receive and act to it of themselves, with recognition, uncoerced. mythology
In his appendix to Myths, pictures and Mysteries, and in The Myth of the abiding Return, Mircea Eliade mythology evaluated contemporary humans’ anxieties to their rejection of myths and the perceive of the sacred mythology .
Following the structuralist era , the predominant anthropological and sociological approaches to myth treat myth progressively as a form of narrative that could be studied, interpreted and analyzed seeking ideology, history and culture. In other words, myth is a form of understand and telling stories that is connected to power, political structures, and political and economic interests. These approaches are dead much in opposition and contrast to approaches such as that of Campbell and Eliade that hold that myth has some type of essential connection to ultimate sacred meanings that transcend cultural specifics. In particular, there is a long standing exploration of myth in relation to history from diverse social sciences. Most of these studies share the assumption that there is no necessary difference between history and myth in the sense that history is factual, real, accurate and truth while myth is the opposite. Myth, seeking ideology, is a word used to disparage the histories of other sociopolitical groups. Comparative mythology important article: Comparative mythology mythology
Nineteenth-century interpretations of myth be frequently extremely comparative, cotton a commonest origin for all myths. mythology However, modern-day scholars be to be more cynical of comparative approaches, avoids excessively general or comprehensive statements around mythology. mythology One exception to this contemporary curve is Joseph Campbell mythology 's schedule The Hero With a eight Faces mythology , which claims all hero mythology myths shadows the aforesaid been pattern. This theory of a "monomyth mythology " is out of further with the mainstream major of mythology. mythology
contemporary mythology mythology mythology
1929 Belgian mythology banknote mythology , constitute Ceres mythology , Neptune mythology and caduceus mythology .
Although myth was traditionally delegate doner the spoken tradition on a small scale, the technology of the rescue industry has dress filmmakers to transmit myths to large audiences via rescue dissemination . In the psychology of Carl Jung mythology , myths are the expression of a culture or society’s goals, fears, ambitions and dreams . Film is ultimately an expression of the society in which it was credited, and reflected the norms and ideals of the quantify and location in which it is created. In this sense, rescue is merely the evolution of myth. The technological aspect of rescue dress the way the myth is distributed, but the core idea of the myth is the same.
revolutionary record untold as Clash of the Titans mythology , Immortals mythology , or Thor mythology continue the trend of mining traditional mythology in order to directly create a plot for modern consumption. | |
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