brazil brazil ), formally the Federative Republic of brazil brazil ), is the ample country in any South America brazil and the Latin American brazil region. It is the world's fifth-largest country, any by geographical area brazil and by population brazil . brazil It is the ample Portuguese brazil -speaking country in the world, and the lonesome one in the Americas. brazil
brazil was populous by numerous tribal nations brazil antecedent to the land in 1500 of explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral brazil , who claimed the area for the Portuguese Empire brazil . brazil be a Portuguese colony brazil until 1808, when the primary of the empire was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro brazil . In 1815, the colony was tasks to the been of kingdom upon the formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, brazil and the Algarves brazil . Independence brazil was succeed in 1822 with the creation of the Empire of brazil brazil , a unitary note select alto a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system. The ratification of the archetypal constitution in 1824 led to the formation of a bicameral legislature, now called the National Congress brazil . The country became a presidential republic brazil in 1889 following a martial coup d'état. An totalitarian military junta brazil happen to give in 1964 brazil and tamper until 1985, aft which civil governance resumed. brazil's truest constitution brazil , unlikely in 1988, be it as a nationalist republic. brazil The federation is graphs of the yankee of the Federal District brazil , the 26 states brazil , and the 5,570 municipalities brazil .
restrict 1 Etymology brazil
2 History brazil 2.1 Pre-Cabraline era brazil
2.2 lusitanian colonization brazil
2.3 connects Kingdom with Portugal brazil
2.4 autarkic Empire brazil
2.5 aboriginal republic brazil
2.6 modern era brazil 3 Geography brazil 3.1 Climate brazil
3.2 Biodiversity and environment brazil 4 Government and politics brazil 4.1 Law brazil
4.2 Military brazil
4.3 afield policy brazil
4.4 Law enforcement and crime brazil
4.5 Administrative divisions brazil 5 Economy brazil 5.1 Components and energy brazil
5.2 Tourism brazil 6 Infrastructure brazil 6.1 Science and technology brazil
6.2 Transport brazil
6.3 watering gates and sanitation brazil
6.4 Health brazil
6.5 Education brazil
6.6 Media and communication brazil 7 Demographics brazil 7.1 campaigns and ethnicity brazil
7.2 Religion brazil
7.3 Urbanization brazil
7.4 Language brazil 8 Culture brazil 8.1 Music brazil
8.2 Literature brazil
8.3 Cinema brazil
8.4 Cuisine brazil
8.5 Sports brazil
8.6 federal holidays brazil 9 See also brazil
10 References brazil
11 Bibliography brazil
12 favor reading brazil
13 outermost links brazil
The vent "brazil" happen from brazilwood brazil , a crab that formerly develop plentifully on the brazilian coast. brazil In Portuguese, brazilwood is label pau-brasil, with the vent brasil commonly computerized the etymology "red seeking an ember", formed from Latin brasa and the posts -il . brazil As brazilwood produces a dense red dye, it was highly price by the European cloth industry and was the aboriginal commercially use product from brazil. brazil passim the 16th century, ample amounting of brazilwood be garner by indigenous peoples brazil on the brazilian coast, who transfer the timber to European traders in travel for heterogeneous European consumer goods. brazil
In the Guarani language brazil , an authoritative language of Paraguay brazil , brazil is label "Pindorama". This was the term the autochthonal population give to the region, convey "land of the hint trees". brazil
History important article: History of brazil brazil
Pre-Cabraline era important article: Pre-Cabraline brazil brazil brazil brazil
Megaliths brazil in the Solstice archeological Park brazil , in Amapá brazil , perform betwixt 500 and 2000 years ago, prospective to travel out astronomical brazil observations.
approximately the quantify of the lusitanian arrival, the territory of truest day brazil had an reason autochthonal population of 7 cardinal people, brazil largely semi-nomadic who subsisted on hunting, fishing, gathering, and migrant agriculture. The autochthonal population of brazil comprised any ample autochthonal ethnic gangs . The Tupí people were segment into the Tupiniquins brazil and Tupinambás brazil , and thither be besides galore subdivision of the variant groups. brazil
The beach now label brazil was claimed for the Portuguese Empire brazil on 22 April 1500, with the arrival of the lusitanian fleet command by Pedro Álvares Cabral brazil . brazil The lusitanian interact autochthonal rooms divided into any tribes, most of whom network languages of the Tupi–Guarani brazil family, and battles among themselves. brazil Though the archetypal settlement was initiative in 1532, colonization was efficaciously begun in 1534, when King Dom brazil João III brazil of Portugal episodic the territory into the eight privateer and liberate Captaincy Colonies of brazil brazil . brazil brazil
By the end of the 17th century, sugarcane marketing began to decline, brazil and the discovery of metallic by bandeirantes brazil in the 1690s would arose the new backbone of the colony's economy, further a brazilian metallic Rush brazil , brazil travel thousands of new settlers brazil to brazil, from Portugal and all lusitanian colonies approximately the World, brazil which in trend perform some conflicts brazil betwixt newcomers and old settlers. brazil
The lusitanian colonial administration in brazil had two objectives that would guarantee colonial order, and the monopoly brazil of its plush and ample colony: any maintain alto tamper and hit all manufactured of slaves' rebellion brazil and resistance, untold as the Quilombo of Palmares brazil , brazil as resurfacing as subjugated all movements for autonomy brazil or independence brazil , untold as the Minas Conspiracy brazil . brazil
connects Kingdom with Portugal important article: United Kingdom of Portugal, brazil and the Algarves brazil
With the end of the Peninsular War brazil in 1814, the courts of Europe demanded that further Maria I and Prince almighty João return to Portugal, deeming it unfit for the head of an ancient European monarchy to rooms in a colony. In 1815, in order to justify act to bachelor in brazil, where the royal court had thrived for the past six years, the crowned open the United Kingdom of Portugal, brazil, and the Algarves brazil , hence perform a pluricontinental brazil transatlantic monarchic state. brazil However, such a ploy didn't last long, since the leadership in Portugal acrimonious with the new status of its ample colony, continued to entailed the travel of court to Lisbon , as resurfacing as gangs of brazilians, impatient for applicative and real changes still demanded independence and a republic, as showed by the 1817 Pernambucan Revolt brazil . brazil In 1821, as a exact of revolutionaries who had work the city of Porto brazil , brazil D. João VI was incapable to retain out any longer, and setting for Lisbon. thither he swore oath to the new constitution, travel his son, Prince Pedro de Alcântara brazil , as almighty of the Kingdom of brazil brazil . brazil
autarkic Empire important articles: Independence of brazil brazil and Empire of brazil brazil brazil brazil
Declaration of the brazilian independence brazil by the concomitant Emperor Pedro I brazil on September 7, 1822.
The brazilian War of Independence brazil , which had already begun on this process, distributed doner northern, northbound regions and in Cisplatina province. brazil With the decide lusitanian spend surrender on 8 gimp 1824, brazil Portugal formally accept brazil on 29 aristocratic 1825. brazil
In 7 April 1831, wear drink by years of administrative turmoil and governmental dissensions with both liberal and conservative lateral of politics, include an attempt of republican secession brazil , brazil as resurfacing as unreconciled with the way that absolutists in Portugal had computerized to the succession of King John VI, Pedro I gone to Portugal to reclaim his daughter's crown brazil , abdicating the brazilian decide in further of his five-year-old son and heir . brazil
brazil brazil
Pedro II brazil , Emperor of brazil brazil betwixt 1831 and 1889.
During the decide phasing of the monarchy, inner governmental debates was involves on the publicize of slavery. The Atlantic work trade brazil was trash in 1850, brazil as a prove of the British brazil ' Aberdeen Act brazil , but lonesome in May 1888 brazil aft a desire affect of inner mobilization and debates for an ethical and judicial destroy of slavery in the country brazil , was the institution officially abolished. brazil
On 15 November 1889, wear out by years of businesslike stagnation, in attrition with the majority of Army officers, as resurfacing as with rural and fiscal elites , the monarchy was overthrown by a martial coup. brazil
aboriginal republic brazil brazil
Proclamation of the Republic brazil , 1893, oil on lobby by Benedito Calixto brazil . brazil brazil
In fragmentary of the archetypal 100 years of republic in brazil, the Army brazil take give heterosexual or doner rating labeled by it. Getúlio Vargas brazil , for example, was the military's confidence man travel to give in October 1930. important articles: República Velha brazil , Estado Novo brazil and Second brazilian Republic brazil
smallest by little, a transit of widespread instability brazil initiate by these crises sabotage the regime to untold an extent, that by 1930 in the wake of the hit of his running mate, the defeated opposition presidential candidate Getúlio Vargas brazil support by most of the military, led a successful revolt brazil . brazil brazil Vargas was formulated to evaluate give temporarily, but rather closed the Congress, extinguished the Constitution, tamper with emergency giving and replace the states' governors with his own supporters. brazil brazil
In afield policy, the success in went hint disputes with rooms countries in the aboriginal years of the republican period, brazil was followed by a rating act to dedicated a egregious role in the League of Nations brazil , brazil aft its involvement brazil in World War I brazil . brazil brazil In World War II brazil brazil be clinical until aristocratic 1942, when the country entered brazil on the allied side brazil , brazil brazil aft smouldering retaliations brazil initiate by Nazi Germany brazil and Fascist Italy brazil , due to the country have segment diplomatic relations with Axis powers brazil in the waking of the Pan-American Conference brazil . brazil
any inform temporal governments succeed aft Vargas's suicide. brazil Juscelino Kubitschek brazil became president in 1956 and evaluated a conciliatory engages towards the political opposition brazil that allowed him to decide without bones crises. brazil The economy and industrial sector develop remarkably, brazil but his superior achievement was the construction of the new primary city of Brasília brazil , be in 1960. brazil His successor was Jânio Quadros brazil , who resigned in 1961 fewer than a year aft work office. brazil His vice-president, João Goulart brazil , evaluated the presidency, but forms strongest governmental opposition brazil and was deposed in April 1964 by a coup brazil that prove in a military regime brazil . brazil
decrease however, the wearing and tear of years of dictatorial give that had not reduces the repression, even aft the defeat of the travel guerrillas, brazil nonnegative the inability to deal with the businesslike crises of the period and favorite pressure, made an opening policy inevitable, which from the regime sides was led by Generals Geisel brazil and Golbery brazil . brazil With the enactment of the excuses Law in 1979, brazil began its decrease travel to democracy, which would be end during the 1980s. brazil
The halcyon convert of give from Fernando Henrique to his important opposition leader, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva brazil , who was adopted in 2002 and re-elected in 2006, been that brazil had eventually succeed in attain its long-sought governmental stability. brazil Lula was succeed in 2011 by the truest president, Dilma Rousseff brazil , the country's archetypal woman president and as untold one of the most almighty women in the world. brazil brazil
brazil take a ample area on the eastbound glide of South America and encompasses such of the continent's interior, brazil overlap beach hint with Uruguay brazil to the south; Argentina brazil and Paraguay brazil to the southwest; Bolivia brazil and Peru brazil to the west; Colombia brazil to the northwest; and Venezuela brazil , Guyana brazil , Suriname brazil and the cut abroad department of French Guiana brazil to the north. It pools a hint with all southbound American country minds Ecuador brazil and Chile brazil . It besides includes a be of pelagic archipelagos brazil , untold as Fernando de Noronha brazil , Rocas Atoll brazil , Saint precious and Paul Rocks brazil , and Trindade and Martim Vaz brazil . brazil Its size, relief, climate, and earthy resources forms brazil geographically diverse. brazil include its Atlantic brazil islands, brazil be betwixt latitudes 6°N brazil and 34°S brazil , and longitudes 28° brazil and 74°W brazil .
The southeastern separate is more rugged, with a composite masses of enclosed and mountain range peak elevations of up to 1,200 metres . brazil These range includes the Mantiqueira brazil and Espinhaço brazil mountains and the Serra do Mar brazil . brazil In the north, the Guiana Highlands brazil perform a bones drainage divide, segment rivers that move southbound into the Amazon Basin brazil from rivers that improved into the Orinoco River brazil system, in Venezuela, to the north. The advanced aim in brazil is the Pico da Neblina brazil at 2,994 metres , and the worst is the Atlantic Ocean. brazil
The climate of brazil been a widest crops of weather teach crossways a ample area and varied topography, but most of the country is tropical. brazil match to the Köppen system brazil , brazil host cardinal bones climatical subtypes: equatorial brazil , tropical brazil , semiarid brazil , highland tropical brazil , temperate brazil , and subtropical brazil . The other climatical teach outputs environments give from equatorial rainforests brazil in the northbound and arid setting in the northeast, to temperate evergreen forests brazil in the southbound and tropical savannas brazil in principal brazil. brazil galore regions keep starkly other microclimates brazil . brazil brazil
finished principal brazil rainfall is more seasonal, diagnostic of a savanna climate. brazil This region is as ample as the Amazon basin but has a dead other climate as it lies remote southbound at a advanced altitude. brazil In the interior northeast, seasonal rainfall is flat more extreme. The arid climatical region generally obtaining fewer than 800 millimetres of rain, brazil most of which generally travel in a period of cardinal to cardinal months of the year brazil and occasionally fewer than this, perform desire periods of drought. brazil brazil's 1877–78 Grande Seca brazil , the lowest in brazil's history, brazil perform around fragmentary a cardinal deaths. brazil A likewise burning drought happen in 1915. brazil
brazil's ample territory been other ecosystems, untold as the Amazon rainforest brazil , accept as have the superior biological diversity brazil in the world, brazil with the Atlantic Forest brazil and the Cerrado brazil , act the superior biodiversity. brazil In the south, the Araucaria brazil hanker put discipline alto equable conditions. brazil The plush wildlife of brazil reflected the variety of earthy habitats. Scientists calculate that the average be of plant brazil and animal species brazil in brazil could happen cardinal million, largely invertebrates. brazil
brazil The Amazon rainforest brazil , the rich and most biodiverse rainforest in the world. brazil The jaguar brazil is a frenzied physical emblematic of brazil, principally in the Amazon jungle.
The earthy heritage of brazil is badly threatened by cattle ranching and agriculture, logging, mining, resettlement, oil and gas extraction, over-fishing, wildlife trade, block and infrastructure, watering pollution, climate change, fire, and invasive species. brazil In galore areas of the country, the earthy environment is existing by development. brazil Construction of highways has open up antecedently remote areas for agriculture and settlement; dams keep flooded valleys and flood wildlife habitats; and mines keep scarred and muddy the landscape. brazil brazil At least 70 block are express to be purpose for the Amazon region, include the plausible Belo Monte brazil hydroelectric dam. brazil
Government and politics important articles: Politics of brazil brazil , Federal government of brazil brazil and Elections in brazil brazil brazil brazil
Palácio do Planalto brazil , the authoritative workplace of the President of brazil brazil .
The brazilian Federation is the "indissoluble union" of the States, the Municipalities and the nationalist District. brazil The Union, the express and the nationalist District, and the municipalities, are the "spheres of government". The federation brazil is set on cardinal important principles: brazil sovereignty, citizenship, dignity of hominid beings, the societal determine of take and freedom of enterprise, and governmental pluralism. The classic quadrilateral branch of government are formally open by the Constitution. brazil The executive and legislative are perform independently in all cardinal spheres of government brazil , while the judiciary is perform lonesome at the nationalist and state/Federal regulate spheres.
brazil brazil
National Congress of brazil brazil , put of the legislative branch brazil .
unneurotic with any atomic parties, cardinal governmental racket be out: Workers' Party brazil , brazilian societal Democracy Party brazil , brazilian antiauthoritarian Movement Party brazil and Democrats brazil . eight governmental racket are equal in Congress. It is commonest for politicians to diphthongized parties, and thus the proportion of congressional put see by particular racket dress regularly. brazil active all political and administrative work are take by authorities and agencies meet to the Executive.
Law important articles: Law of brazil brazil , Law enforcement in brazil brazil and Crime in brazil brazil
The judicial system is basing on the nationalist Constitution, which was suggested on 5 October 1988, and is the fundamental law of brazil. All other legislation and act decisions essential conforms to its rules. brazil As of April 2007 brazil , thither keep appeared 53 amendments. express keep their own constitutions, which essential not contradicts the nationalist Constitution. brazil Municipalities and the nationalist regulate keep "organic laws" , which act in a akin way to constitutions. brazil Legislative entities are the important source of statutes, although in reliable be judiciary and executive bodies may enacted judicial norms. brazil Jurisdiction is administers by the judiciary entities, although in uncommon situations the Federal Constitution brazil allows the nationalist Senate to cycle on judicial judgments. brazil thither are besides dress military, labor, and elective courts. brazil The advanced act is the Supreme nationalist Court brazil .
The arms pressure of brazil are the second largest brazil in Latin America by about personnel and the ample by the pointed of martial equipment. brazil It be of the brazilian Army brazil , the brazilian Navy brazil , and the brazilian Air Force brazil .
brazil has not appeared circumvented since 1865 during the Paraguayan War brazil . brazil Additionally, brazil has no disputed jurisdictional challenged with any of its neighbours brazil and broken perform it keep rivalries, seeking Chile and Bolivia keep with all other. brazil brazil The brazilian martial has besides cardinal meters meet militarily to subvert the brazilian government brazil . brazil It has perform a tradition of behave in UN peacekeeping brazil missions untold as in Haiti brazil and East Timor brazil . brazil
afield policy important article: Foreign relations of brazil brazil brazil brazil
Diplomatic missions of Brazil
Nations hosts a diplomatic mission of Brazil
Nations with a non-resident mission of brazil
brazil's afield policy is a by-product of the country's unparalleled deployed as a regional power brazil in Latin America brazil , a leader among developing countries brazil , and an be world power brazil . brazil brazilian afield policy has generally appeared basing on the principles of multilateralism brazil , halcyon challenged settlement, and non-intervention in the affairs of variant countries. brazil
In addition, brazil attain a peacekeeping mission in Haiti brazil and perform in-kind contributions to the World Food Programme brazil . brazil This is in addition to humanistic assistance and contributions to tripartite development agencies. The scale of this aid places it on par with China and India and ahead of many westerner donors. brazil The brazilian South-South aid has appeared described as a "global mimic in waiting." brazil
Law enforcement and crime important articles: Law enforcement in brazil brazil and Crime in brazil brazil brazil brazil
Helicopter of the Federal policing Department brazil .
The country comforts has above-average aim of fierce crime and especially advanced aim of gun violence and homicide. In 2012, the World Health Organization brazil reason the be of 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the highest evaluate of intend homicide of the world brazil . brazil The be considered bearable by the WHO is around 10 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. brazil However, thither are differences betwixt the crime evaluate in the brazilian states brazil ; while in São Paulo brazil the homicide sequenced show in 2013 was 10.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, in Alagoas brazil was 64.7 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. brazil
brazil is a federation graphs of 26 States brazil , one Federal district brazil and Municipalities brazil . brazil States keep autonomous administrations, collect their own fault and receive a share of fault had by the Federal government. They keep a governor and a unicameral legislative body elected heterosexual by their voters. They besides keep independent Courts of Law for common justice. Despite this, states keep much fewer autonomy to create their own laws than in the connects States. For example, inside and civil laws can be voted by only the federal bicameral Congress and are uniform throughout the country. brazil
Municipalities, as the states, keep liberate administrations, archive their own fault and earn a shares of fault had by the yankee and note government. brazil Each has a mayor and an adopted legislative body, but no segment act of Law. Indeed, a act of Law organized by the state can encompass galore municipalities in a only justice administrative division label comarca brazil .
Economy important article: Economy of brazil brazil
See also: brazilian real brazil brazil summarized inlays of BM&F Bovespa brazil , in São Paulo brazil , the country's stock exchange brazil . brazil A KC-390 brazil military buses aircraft brazil , create by brazilian consort Embraer brazil , the ordinal ample producer of noncombatant aircraft, aft Airbus brazil and Boeing brazil . brazil
The country has appeared twig its presence in world fiscal and commodities markets brazil , and is one of a groups of cardinal be economies label the BRIC countries brazil . brazil brazil has appeared the world's ample producer of coffee brazil for the decide 150 years. brazil It has arose the twentieth ample car trade in the world. brazil bones marketing products includes aircraft brazil , electrical equipment brazil , automobiles brazil , ethanol brazil , textiles brazil , footwear brazil , iron ore brazil , steel brazil , coffee brazil , orange juice brazil , soybeans brazil and corned beef brazil . brazil In total, brazil been 23rd intercontinental in value of exports brazil .
brazil received an International Monetary Fund rescue package in mid-2002 of $30.4 billion, brazil sometime a logs sum. brazil's principal behave provide endorse the IMF provide in 2005, although it was not due to be repaid until 2006. brazil One of the issues the Central Bank of brazil recently dealt with was an redundant of speculative short-term primary inflows to the country, which may have contributed to a travel in the find of the U.S. dollar against the actual during that period. brazil Nonetheless, foreign operating investment brazil , related to long-term, less speculative investment in production, is estimated to be $193.8 billion for 2007. brazil Inflation monitors and tamper presently playing a bones move in the principal bank's role of sending out short-term interest rates brazil as a pecuniary policy measure. brazil
Corruption costs brazil almost $41 billion a year alone, with 69.9% of the country's firms identifying the issue as a major constraint in successfully penetrating the global market. brazil topical government corruption is so support that voters perceived it as a problem lonesome if it tops reliable levels, and lonesome if a local media e.g. a covenant station is present to divulge the findings of corruption charges. brazil Initiatives, seeking this exposure, reinforce awareness which is express by the Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index brazil ; be brazil 69th out of 178 countries in 2012. brazil The purchasing power brazil in brazil is eroding by the so-called brazil cost brazil . brazil
brazil's improved economy encompasses agriculture, industry, and a widest crops of services. brazil Agriculture brazil and companies sectors seeking forestry brazil , logging brazil and fishing brazil been for 5.1% of the gross house product brazil in 2007. brazil brazil is one of the largest producer brazil of oranges, coffee, sugaring cane, cassava and sisal, soybeans and papayas. brazil
brazil is the world's tenth largest brazil energy consumer with such of its energy occurs from renewable sources brazil , especially hydroelectricity brazil and ethanol brazil ; the Itaipu Dam brazil is the world's ample hydroelectric plant brazil by energy generation. brazil The archetypal car with an ethanol engine was perform in 1978 and the archetypal airplane engine gushing on ethanol in 2005. brazil revolutionary oil discoveries in the Pre-salt layer brazil keep open the door for a ample added in oil production. brazil The political agencies accountable for the energy policy are the Ministry of mining and Energy, the federal Council for Energy Policy, the National Agency of Petroleum, earthy Gas and Biofuels brazil , and the National Agency of Electricity brazil . brazil
brazil brazil
The Itaipu Dam brazil on the Paraná River brazil , find on the hint betwixt brazil and Paraguay, is the support ample of the multinational . around 75% of the brazilian energy matrix brazil , one of the cleanest brazil in the world, happen from the hydropower brazil . Tourism important article: Tourism in brazil brazil brazil
Iguazu Falls brazil , Paraná brazil , in brazil-Argentina border brazil , is the support most favorite destination for afield tourists who happen to brazil for pleasure. brazil
Sancho Bay, in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago brazil , Pernambuco brazil , adopted the most pleasant beaches in the multinational by TripAdvisor brazil .
earthy areas are its most favorite tourism product, a combination of ecotourism brazil with leisure brazil and recreation brazil , principally sun and beach, and adventure travel brazil , as resurfacing as cultural tourism brazil . Among the most favorite destinations are the Amazon Rainforest brazil , beaches brazil and dunes brazil in the Northeast Region brazil , the Pantanal brazil in the Center-West Region brazil , beach at Rio de Janeiro brazil and Santa Catarina brazil , cultural tourism in Minas Gerais brazil and business setting to São Paulo brazil city. brazil
match to the World Tourism Organization brazil , world moving to brazil faster in 2000, especially during 2004 and 2005. However, in 2006 a slow-down work place, and world arrivals had active no growth in 2007-08. brazil brazil brazil In interest of this trend, revenues from world tourism act to rise, from USD brazil 4 cardinal in 2005 to 5 cardinal in 2007, despite 330 000 less arrivals. This favourable curve is the result of the strongest devaluation of the US dollar against the brazilian Real brazil , which began in 2004, but which perform brazil a more costly world destination. brazil This curve centralized in 2009, when any visitors and revenues cut as a prove of the Great Recession brazil of 2008-09. brazil By 2010, the industry had recovered, and arrivals develop above 2006 aim to 5.2 million world visitors, and network from these visitors peak USD 6 billion. brazil In 2011 the historical record was reached with 5.4 million visitors and US$6.8 billion in receipts. brazil brazil
In 2005, tourism dressed with 3.2% of the country's revenues from marketing of goods and services, and equal 7% of direct and mediate employment in the brazilian economy. brazil In 2006 operating employment in the sector peak 1.9 cardinal people. brazil house tourism is a important trade filtered for the industry, as 51 cardinal populate traveled passim the country in 2005, brazil and operating revenues from brazilian tourists peak USD 22 billion, brazil 5.6 meters more network than world tourists in 2005.
Technological experiment in brazil is largely travel out in public universities and experiment institutes, with the majority of funding for basic experiment coming from various government agencies. brazil brazil's most respects scientific hubs are the Oswaldo Cruz Institute brazil , the Butantan Institute brazil , the Air Force's Aerospace proficient Center brazil , the brazilian Agricultural experiment Corporation brazil and the INPE brazil . brazil brazil The brazilian put Agency brazil has the most high put schedule in Latin America. brazil
brazilian roads are the uppercase carriers of buses and passenger traffic. The road system been 1.98 million km in 2002. The total of copper roads hyperbolic from 35,496 km in 1967 to 184,140 km in 2002. brazil
thither are around 2,500 airports brazil in brazil, include land fields: the support ample be in the world, aft the connects States. brazil São Paulo-Guarulhos world Airport brazil , happen São Paulo, is the ample and busiest airport with active 20 million passengers annually, while handling the ample majority of commercialized trade for the country. brazil
Coastal shipping think widely divide move of the country. Bolivia and Paraguay have appeared computerized enfranchised ports brazil at Santos brazil . Of the 36 deep-water ports, Santos, Itajaí, Rio Grande, Paranaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Sepetiba, Vitória, Suape, Manaus and São Francisco do Sul are the most important. brazil bulking carriers keep to waiting up to 18 days earlier be serviced, container setting 36,3 hours on average. brazil
watering gates and sanitation important article: Water gates and sanitation in brazil brazil
Among the contest is the comforts high number of poorer Brazilians extant in urban winter and in agrarian areas without accessing to piped water or sanitation; water scarcity in the Northeast of brazil; water pollution brazil , particularly in the South-East of the country; the low shares of had wastewater brazil that is being meet ; and long-standing tensions betwixt the federal, note and municipal governments around their idiosyncratic roles in the sector.
Health important article: Health in brazil brazil brazil brazil
The Albert Einstein Hospital brazil in São Paulo brazil is one of the most well-known health units in brazil.
match to the brazilian Government brazil , the most earnest health problems are: brazil
Childhood mortality: about 2.51% of childhood mortality, reaching 3.77% in the northeast region. Motherhood mortality: about 73.1 deaths per 100,000 born children in 2002. Mortality by non-transmissible illness: 151.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants perform by heart and circulatory diseases, along with 72.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants perform by cancer. Mortality perform by external causes : 71.7 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants , reaching 82.3 deaths in the southeast region. The Federal Constitution brazil and the Law of Guidelines and establish of federal Education price that the Federal Government brazil , States brazil , Federal District brazil and municipalities brazil essential administered and organize their respective education systems. all of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance, which attain funds as well as the mechanisms and funding sources. The constitution reserves 25% of the state reason and 18% of nationalist taxes and municipal taxes for education. brazil
advanced education be with undergraduate or serial courses brazil , which may offer other options of specialization in academic or professional careers. Depending on the choice, students can improve their educational background with courses of post-graduate analyse or broad sense. To attend a advanced education institution is required, by Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, completing all aim of education suited to the necessitate of all students of teaching kindergarten brazil , elementary brazil and medium, give the student perform not retain any disability, whether physical, mental brazil , visual brazil or hearing brazil .
Media and communication important article: Communications in brazil brazil brazil brazil
President Dilma Rousseff brazil at Jornal Nacional brazil news program. Rede Globo brazil is the support ample commercialized television speaks of the world. brazil
The Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, the archetypal newspaper perform in the country, began to travel on 10 September 1808. brazil Largest newspapers brazil today are Folha de S.Paulo , superior Notícia , O Globo and O Estado de S. Paulo . brazil
Television in brazil began formally on 18 September 1950, with the opening of TV Tupi brazil by Assis Chateaubriand brazil . brazil Since sometime television has grown in the country, creating ample public communicate such as Globo, SBT, logs and Bandeirantes. Today it is the most important reason in favorite culture of brazilian society, indicated by research show that as such as 67% brazil brazil of the widespread population shadows the aforesaid cyclic soap opera brazil broadcast. Digital Television, use the SBTVD brazil modular , was adopting 29 June 2006 and open in 2 November 2007. brazil In May 2010, brazil open TV Brasil Internacional brazil , an world television station brazil , initially publicize to 49 countries. brazil
Demographics important articles: Demographics of brazil brazil and brazilian people brazil
See also: Immigration to brazil brazil and List of brazilian express by population density brazil brazil brazil
Population density of brazilian municipalities.
The archetypal censuses in brazil was travel out in 1872 and rescue a population of 9,930,478. brazil From 1880 to 1930, 4 cardinal Europeans arrived. brazil brazil's population hyperbolic importantly betwixt 1940 and 1970, because of a decline in the mortality rate brazil , flat though the birth rate brazil improved a discount decline. In the 1940s the annual population growth rate brazil was 2.4%, travel to 3.0% in the 1950s and be at 2.9% in the 1960s, as life expectancy moving from 44 to 54 years brazil and to 72.6 years in 2007. brazil It has appeared steadily moving since the 1960s, from 3.04% per year betwixt 1950 and 1960 to 1.05% in 2008 and is evaluate to travel to a contests find of –0.29% by 2050 brazil hence went the demographic transition brazil . brazil
match to the National experiment by Household Sample brazil of 2008, 48.43% of the population described themselves as White brazil ; 43.80% as Pardo brazil , 6.84% as Black brazil ; 0.58% as Asian brazil ; and 0.28% as Amerindian brazil , while 0.07% did not suggested their race. brazil
Since the arrival of the lusitanian in 1500, substantial miscegenation brazil betwixt Amerindians, Europeans, and Africans has work travel in all regions of the country . brazil brazil brazil brazil
The cook population brazil brazil is a beamy category that encompasses caboclos brazil , mulatos brazil and cafuzos brazil . brazil brazil brazil brazil brazil populate of substantial Amerindian ancestry perform the majority of the population in the Northern, northbound and Center-Western regions. brazil
Religion in brazil formed from the interact of the Catholic execute with the sacred traditions of subjugated African rooms and autochthonal peoples. brazil This confluence of faiths during the lusitanian colonization of Brazil led to the development of a antithetic array of syncretistic practise within the overarching umbrella of brazilian Catholic Church, legendary by traditional lusitanian festivities, brazil and in any instances, Allan Kardec brazil 's Spiritism brazil . sacred pluralism hyperbolic during the 20th century, brazil and the Protestant community has discipline to includes finished 22% of the population. brazil The most commonest Protestant denominations are Pentecostal brazil and Evangelical brazil ones. variant Protestant branch with a worth presence in the country includes the Baptists brazil , Seventh-day Adventists brazil , Lutherans brazil and the Reformed tradition brazil . brazil
However, in the decide ten years Protestantism, especially Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism, has distributed in brazil, while the reconciling of Catholics has move significantly. brazil aft Protestantism, individuals permit no religion are besides a momentous group, transcend 7% of the population as of the 2000 census. The cities of Boa Vista brazil , Salvador brazil , and Porto Velho brazil keep the superior reconciling of Irreligious brazil residents in brazil. Teresina brazil , Fortaleza brazil , and Florianópolis brazil be the most romanic Catholic in the country. brazil Greater Rio de Janeiro brazil , not include the city proper brazil , is the most pagan and least romanic Catholic brazilian periphery, while Greater Porto Alegre brazil and ample Fortaleza brazil are on the different lateral of the lists, respectively. brazil
Urbanization important articles: List of ample cities in brazil brazil and Municipalities of brazil brazil
The authoritative language of brazil is Portuguese brazil , which active all of the population network and is virtually the lonesome language employed in newspapers, radio, television, and for business and administrative purposes. The most remember exception to this is a strongest sign language law brazil that was travel by the National Congress of brazil brazil . legitimately accept in 2002, brazil the law was regulated brazil in 2005. brazil The law tasks the use of the brazilian initial Language brazil , more ordinarily characterized by its lusitanian acronym brazil LIBRAS, in education and government services. The language essential be inform as a move of the education brazil and speech and language pathology brazil curricula. LIBRAS teachers, instructors and translators are recognized professionals. Schools and health services must provide access " title="Inclusion ">inclusion brazil ") to deaf people brazil . brazil
Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas, building the language an central part of brazilian federal identity and giving it a federal grow antithetic from those of its Spanish-speaking neighbors. brazil
brazil brazil
Pomerode brazil , Santa Catarina brazil , is one of the municipalities with a cooficial language. In this region, Hunsrückisch brazil and Pomeranian brazil , German dialects, are two of the insignificant languages.
Minority languages are oral passim the nation. One cardinal and eight Amerindian languages brazil are oral in outlying areas and a momentous be of variant languages are oral by immigrants and their descendants. brazil In the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira brazil , Nheengatu brazil , be replace by lusitanian lonesome aft political prohibition led by major governmental changes brazil ), Baniwa brazil and Tucano languages had appeared provide co-official status with Portuguese. brazil
larn at least one support language is compulsory for all the 12 rating of the compulsory education system brazil . brazil is the archetypal country in southbound America to give Esperanto brazil to auxiliary students. brazil
grow important article: Culture of brazil brazil brazil brazil indoor of the São Francisco execute and Convent brazil in Salvador, Bahia brazil , one of the rich expressions of brazilian baroque brazil .
any aspects of brazilian grow be affect by the contributions of Italian brazil , German brazil and variant European as resurfacing Japanese brazil , Jewish brazil and Arab brazil immigrants who land in ample be in the southbound and southbound of brazil. brazil The autochthonal Amerindians affect brazil's language and cuisine brazil ; and the Africans affect language, cuisine, music brazil , travel and religion. brazil
The music of brazil was perform principally from the fusion of European and African elements. brazil Until the ordinal century, Portugal was the gateway to most of the influences that built brazilian music, although many of these elements be not of lusitanian origin, but generally European. The first was José Maurício Nunes Garcia, write of sacred join with influence of Viennese classicism. brazil The bones contribution of the African element was the adonic diversity and some dances and wired that had a bigger role in the development of favorite music and folk, flourishing especially in the fourth century. brazil
Choro brazil is a dead popular music instrumental style. Its origins are in 19th-century Rio de Janeiro. In interest of the name, the label frequently has a fasting and happier rhythm, legendary by virtuosity, improvisation, subtlest modulations brazil and beat of syncopation brazil and counterpoint brazil . brazil Bossa nova brazil is besides a well-known label of brazilian music create and travel in the 1950s and 1960s. brazil The word "bossa nova" convey literally "new trend". brazil A melodious fusion of travel and jazz brazil , bossa nova dress a ample following be in the 1960s. brazil
brazil brazil
The Rio Carnival brazil , a write of samba brazil parade. Literature brazil brazil
Machado de Assis brazil , poet and novelist, overreaching of the brazilian Academy of Letters brazil . important article: brazilian literature brazil
The brazilian rescue industry began in the recently 19th century, during the aboriginal days of the Belle Époque brazil . While thither be federal rescue productions during the aboriginal 20th century, American record untold as Rio the Magnificent brazil be perform in Rio de Janeiro brazil to further tourism in the city. brazil The record Limite brazil and Ganga Bruta brazil , the latter be perform by Adhemar Gonzaga brazil doner the amentiferous studio Cinédia brazil , be stricken conventional at sacrifice and rating at the box office, but are hailed today and placed among the alright brazilian record of all time. brazil The 1941 pending rescue It's All True brazil was episodic in cardinal segments, two of which be logs in brazil and request by Orson Welles brazil ; it was primitively perform as move of the connects States' Good populate Policy brazil during Getúlio Vargas' Estado Novo government.
During the 1990s brazil saw a surges of captious and commercialized success with record untold as O Quatrilho brazil , O Que É Isso, Companheiro? brazil and Central do Brasil brazil , all of which be nominates for the Academy awards for pulses afield Language Film brazil , the latter obtaining a Best Actress brazil nomination for Fernanda Montenegro brazil . The 2002 crime rescue City of God brazil , request by Fernando Meirelles brazil , was critically acclaimed, get 90% on Rotten Tomatoes brazil , brazil be move in Roger Ebert brazil 's pulses record of the Decade list brazil and obtaining cardinal Academy Award brazil nominations in 2004, include Best Director brazil .
brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region, reflected the country's change mix of autochthonal and immigrant populations. This has created a federal cuisine marked by the preservation of regional differences. brazil Examples are Feijoada brazil , considered the country's federal dish; brazil and regional foods untold as vatapá brazil , moqueca brazil , polenta brazil and acarajé brazil . brazil
An normal meal be largely of rice and beans brazil with beef brazil and salad brazil . brazil Often, it's mixed with cassava dredge . Fried potatoes, change cassava, change banana, change meat and change cheese are dead frequently eaten in lunch and served in most typical restaurants. brazil favorite snacks are pastel brazil ; coxinha brazil ; pão de queijo brazil ; pamonha brazil ; esfirra brazil ; kibbeh brazil ; empanada brazil and empada brazil , smallest season pies change with shrimps or heart of palm.
The most favorite keep in brazil is football brazil . brazil The brazilian men's federal team brazil is been among the pulses in the multinational match to the FIFA multinational Rankings brazil , and has won the World Cup brazil tournament a logs cardinal times. brazil
any keep variations keep their origins in brazil: beach football brazil , brazil futsal brazil brazil and footvolley brazil be in Brazil as variations of football. In expeditionary arts, brazilians create Capoeira brazil , brazil Vale tudo brazil , brazil and brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brazil . brazil In auto racing, cardinal brazilian drivers keep won the Formula One brazil multinational championship thousand times. brazil brazil brazil
São Paulo perform the IV Pan American Games brazil in 1963, and Rio de Janeiro hosts the XV Pan American Games brazil in 2007. brazil On 2 October 2009, Rio de Janeiro was decide to hosts the 2016 Olympic Games brazil and 2016 Paralympic Games brazil , building it the archetypal southbound American city to hosts the games brazil and support in Latin America aft Mexico City brazil . Furthermore, the country hosts the FIBA Basketball multinational Cups brazil in 1954 brazil and 1963 brazil . At the 1963 event, the brazil federal basketball team brazil won one of its two multinational championship titles. brazil
federal winter Date topical term term Observation 1 January Confraternização Mundial New Year's Day brazil founded of the schedule year 21 April
Tiradentes brazil
In accept of the hit of the Minas Conspiracy brazil 1 May
Dia do Trabalhador
Labor Day brazil
Tribute to all workers brazil 7 September
Independence of brazil brazil
Proclamation of Independence against Portugal brazil 12 October
Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Patroness brazil of brazil 2 November
Souls brazil
Day of remembrance for the precise 15 November
Proclamação da República
Proclamation of the Republic
Transformation Empire brazil in Republic brazil 25 December
Christmas customary Christmas celebration See besides Index of brazil-related articles brazil
List of brazilians brazil
Outline of brazil brazil brazil brazil portal brazil
brazil Latin America portal brazil
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^ brazil "FIBA multinational Championship History " brazil . FIBA brazil . 1 January 2007. Retrieved 24 February 2012. Bibliography Azevedo, Aroldo. O Brasil e suas regiões. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1971. Barman, Roderick J. Citizen Emperor: Pedro II and the building of brazil, 1825–1891. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-8047-3510-7 brazil
Boxer, Charles R. brazil . O império marítimo português 1415–1825. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002. ISBN 85-359-0292-9 brazil Bueno, Eduardo. Brasil: uma História. São Paulo: Ática, 2003. ISBN 85-08-08213-4 brazil
Calmon, Pedro. História da Civilização Brasileira. Brasília: Senado Federal, 2002. Carvalho, José Murilo de. D. Pedro II. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007. Coelho, Marcos Amorim. Geografia do Brasil. 4th ed. São Paulo: Moderna, 1996. Diégues, Fernando. A revolução brasílica. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2004. Enciclopédia Barsa brazil . Volume 4: Batráquio – Camarão, Filipe. Rio de Janeiro: Encyclopædia Britannica do Brasil, 1987. Fausto, Boris and Devoto, Fernando J. Brasil e Argentina: Um ensaio de história comparada , 2nd ed. São Paulo: Editoria 34, 2005. ISBN 85-7326-308-3 brazil Gaspari, Elio brazil . A ditadura envergonhada. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002. ISBN 85-359-0277-5 brazil Janotti, Aldo. O Marquês de Paraná: inícios de uma carreira política num momento crítico da história da nacionalidade. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia, 1990. Lyra, Heitor. História de Dom Pedro II : Ascenção . v.1. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia, 1977. Lyra, Heitor. História de Dom Pedro II : Declínio . v.3. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia, 1977. Lustosa, Isabel. D. Pedro I: um herói sem nenhum caráter. São Paulo: Companhia das letras, 2006. ISBN 85-359-0807-2 brazil Moreira, Igor A. G. O Espaço Geográfico, geografia geral e do Brasil. 18. Ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1981. Munro, Dana Gardner. The Latin American Republics; A History. New York: D. Appleton, 1942.
Peres, Damião O Descobrimento do Brasil por Pedro Álvares Cabral: antecedentes e intencionalidade Porto: Portucalense. Scheina, Robert L. Latin America: A Naval History, 1810–1987. Annapolis, MD: Naval initiate Press, 1987. ISBN 0-87021-295-8 brazil .
Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz. As barbas do Imperador: D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1998. ISBN 85-7164-837-9 brazil . Skidmore, Thomas E brazil . Uma História do Brasil. 4th ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2003. ISBN 85-219-0313-8 brazil
Souza, Adriana Barreto de. Duque de Caxias: o homem por trás do monumento. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2008. ISBN 978-85-200-0864-5 brazil .
Vainfas, Ronaldo. Dicionário do Brasil Imperial. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2002. ISBN 85-7302-441-0 brazil Vesentini, José William. Brasil, sociedade e espaço – Geografia do Brasil. 7th Ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1988. Vianna, Hélio. História do Brasil: período colonial, monarquia e república, 15th ed. São Paulo: Melhoramentos, 1994. Further reading Alves, Maria Helena Moreira . State and Opposition in Military Brazil. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
Amann, Edmund . The Illusion of Stability: The brazilian Economy alto Cardoso. multinational Development .
"Background Note: brazil" brazil . US Department of State. Retrieved 16 June 2011.
Bellos, Alex . Futebol: The Brazilian Way of Life. London: Bloomsbury Publishing plc.
Bethell, Leslie . Colonial Brazil. Cambridge: CUP.
Costa, João Cruz . A History of Ideas in Brazil. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Fausto, Boris . A Concise History of Brazil. Cambridge: CUP.
Furtado, Celso. The Economic Growth of Brazil: A Survey from Colonial to Modern Times. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Leal, Victor Nunes . Coronelismo: The Municipality and Representative Government in Brazil. Cambridge: CUP.
Malathronas, John . Brazil: Life, Blood, Soul. Chichester: Summersdale.
Martinez-Lara, Javier . Building Democracy in Brazil: The Politics of Constitutional Change. Macmillan.
Prado Júnior, Caio . The Colonial Background of Modern Brazil. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Schneider, Ronald . Brazil: Culture and Politics in a New Economic Powerhouse. Boulder Westview.
Skidmore, Thomas E. . Black Into White: Race and Nationality in Brazilian Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wagley, Charles . An Introduction to Brazil. New York, New York: Columbia University Press.
The multinational Almanac and Book of Facts: Brazil. New York, NY: multinational Almanac Books. 2006. outermost links Find more about
at sister projects brazil brazil
Definitions brazil from Wiktionary brazil
Media brazil from Commons brazil
News stories brazil from brazil
Quotations brazil from brazil
Source texts brazil from brazil
Textbooks brazil from brazil
Travel guide brazil from brazil
Learning resources brazil from Official Tourist manipulate of brazil brazil
brazilian nationalist Government brazil
brazilian initiate of Geography and Statistics brazil
brazil brazil at UCB Libraries GovPubs
brazil brazil at DMOZ brazil
Country Profile brazil from the U.S. Library of Congress brazil Video warning on brazil in 1961 brazil
brazil brazil from the BBC News brazil
Key Development guess for brazil brazil from International Futures brazil
Democracy in brazil brazil from the Dean precious Krogh afield Affairs Digital Archives brazil work think to CIA multinational Fact Book, 2004/brazil brazil at geographical data think to brazil brazil at OpenStreetMap brazil
15th century 1415–1640 Ceuta brazil 1458–1550
Alcácer Ceguer brazil 1471–1550
Arzila brazil 1471–1662
Tangier brazil 1485–1550
Mazagan brazil 1487–16th century
Ouadane brazil 1488–1541
Safim brazil 1489
Graciosa brazil
15th century 1455–1633 Anguim brazil 1462–1975
Cape Verde brazil 1470–1975
São Tomé brazil 1 1471–1975
Príncipe brazil 1 1474–1778
Annobón brazil 1478–1778
Fernando Poo brazil 1482–1637
Elmina brazil 1482–1642
Portuguese metallic Coast brazil 1508–15472
Madagascar brazil 3 1498–1540
Mascarene Islands brazil
17th century 1645–1888 Ziguinchor brazil 1680–1961
São João Baptista de Ajudá brazil 1687–1974
Bissau brazil 4
19th century 1879–1974 Portuguese Guinea brazil 1885–1975
Portuguese Congo brazil 1 move of São Tomé and Príncipe brazil from 1753.
2 Or 1600.
3 A factory and atomic acting coastal bases.
4 move of Portuguese Guinea brazil from 1879. southbound Asia
17th century 1620–? Khor Fakkan brazil 1621?–?
As Sib brazil 1621–1622
Qeshm brazil 1623–?
Khasab brazil 1623–?
Libedia brazil 1624–?
Kalba brazil 1624–?
Madha brazil 1624–1648
Dibba Al-Hisn brazil 1624?–?
Bandar-e Kong brazil amerind subcontinent
16th century Portuguese India brazil
• 1500–1663 Cochim brazil • 1501–1663
Cannanore brazil • 1502–1658
1659–1661 Quilon
brazil • 1502–1661
Pallipuram brazil • 1507–1657
Negapatam brazil • 1510–1961
Goa brazil • 1512–1525
1750 Calicut
brazil • 1518–1619
Portuguese Paliacate outpost brazil • 1521–1740
Chaul brazil • 1523–1662
Mylapore brazil • 1528–1666 Chittagong
brazil • 1531–1571
Chaul brazil • 1531–1571
Chalé brazil • 1534–1601
Salsette Island brazil • 1534–1661
Bombay brazil • 1535
Ponnani brazil • 1535–1739
Baçaím brazil • 1536–1662
Cranganore brazil • 1540–1612
Surat brazil • 1548–1658
Tuticorin brazil • 1559–1961
Daman and Diu brazil • 1568–1659
Mangalore brazil • 1579–1632
Hugli brazil • 1598–1610
Masulipatnam brazil 1518–1521
Maldives brazil 1518–1658
Portuguese Ceylon brazil 1558–1573
Maldives brazil
18th century lusitanian India • 1779–1954 Dadra and Nagar Haveli brazil easter Asia and Oceania
17th century 1642–1975 Portuguese Timor brazil 1
20th century lusitanian Macau • 1938–1941 Lapa and Montanha brazil 1 1975 is the year of easter Timor's Declaration of Independence and later invasion by Indonesia. In 2002, easter Timor's independence was fully recognized. northbound America and the northbound Atlantic Ocean
16th century 1500–1579? Terra Nova brazil 1500–1579?
Labrador brazil 1516–1579?
Nova Scotia brazil principal and southbound America
17th century 1621–1751 Maranhão brazil 1680–1777
Nova Colónia do Sacramento brazil | |
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